Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - Kura Teina
During week 9 of Term 3, we celebrated Māori Language Week with great
enthusiasm. Our tamariki were proud to represent the kura and wider kura whānau with two outstanding kapa haka, one of which performed at the Tūwharetoa Taiopenga Kapa haka Festival in Taupō to acknowledge their strong whakapapa connections to Tūwharetoa through their tūpuna Waitapu, of Maungatautari, who married Te Rangiita of Nukuhau.
The other kapa haka roopu stayed in Putaruru to perform and uplift the Raukawatanga of their community by performing at the Putaruru Library, Cardrona Rest Home, and Te Kōhanga Reo o Ruru Te Tupuna and Te Kōhanga Reo o te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere to showcase te Reo me ona tikanga.
Nā ngā kaiako o te Kura Teina.