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Our School

School Description


Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O Pātetere is a composite area school having been established by the minister of education the Right Honorable Steve Maharey in October 2006 as a designated Character School under Section 156 of the Education Act of 2001. 

Our Journey

Purpose Statement

As a level 1 Māori immersion school, Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O Pātetere board of trustees will strive to build the key foundation stones that establish this kura; Te Reo Māori, Tikanga, Respect, Manaakitanga, Loyalty, Honesty and Whanaungatanga which provide the platform for excellence in academic achievement. 

Values & Beliefs

Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O Pātetere was created by a group of parents who wished to have an alternative for their children within Putāruru. 

We are a kura where everybody endeavours to nuture tamariki as they progress from Kōhanga Reo to Wharekura and then on to further education opportunities, as well as tertiary study, through effective teaching and learning programmes. 


Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O Pātetere is more than just a kura, it is an holistic experience where students are a part of something bigger. 

  • They are valued

  • They are part of a whānau

  • They have a sense of belonging

  • They have a sense of community and are included in activities within the rohe to take their natural place as "ngā rangatira mō apōpō"

The school logo

The school logo was adopted in 2004. April Silveira, our deputy principal, designed the logo. The pattern is the kaokao weaving pattern that is used to represent the cartilage that joins muscles together. 

The school colours of royal blue, sky blue, black and white have their origins in the school original name. Prior to being Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O Pātetere we were called Te kura kaupapa Māori o Waitete, a river in Arapuni that has significance to oral Raukawa history. As we were named after a river, blue became our predominant colour. 

"Whāngai te iti kahurangi"

The school motto is Whāngai te iti kahurangi . Loosely translated this means nurture that which is small and precious. This could relate to our students who are our treasures or indeed our te reo & tikanga which is precious. 

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