Ngā Rangatira mō āpōpō
Student Leaders
Ngā Kaihono
Year 7 to Year 13 students partake in Kaihono voting in the fourth term where they can nominate and apply for student leadership roles. Interviews follow, and positions are awarded at the end of year Prize Giving, it is a huge honour and responsibility.
Kaihono Taumata (Head of school)
One or two students chosen. Students will represent the kura as 'Head of Kura' at official functions, and support other Kaihono in the delivery of their tasks.
Kaihono Matua (Head Prefects)
Kaihono Hakinakina (Sport), one boy and one girl chosen.
Kaihono Mahi-a-rehia (Cultural), one boy and one girl chosen.
Kaihono Matauranga (Academic), one boy and one girl chosen.
Students will seek high standards in themselves, assist staff and fellow students to achieve excellence and are responsible for excellence in all things in their area.
Kaitiaki Whare (House Leaders)
Positions for Year 12 or 13 students. One boy and one girl from each Whare is chosen. Students will help fellow students in their house and also help organise & support house competitions & events.
Kaunihera Kura (School Council)
Positions for Year 7 to Year 11 students. One boy and one girl from each year level is chosen. Students will help fellow students in their year group and also represent these students at School Council.
Kaihono Taumata
Arihia Pomare & Ken Kaaho
Kaihono Tuarua
Hineora Kingi & Keyan Clark
Kaihono Matua
Hakinakina (Sport) - Casey Iorangi & Sam Tumai-Te Pou
Mahi-a-rehia (Cultural) - Hineora Kingi & Ken Kaaho
Matauranga (Academic) - Waiatara Crown-Borell & Keyan Clark
Kaitiaki Whare
Mahi-Tahi - Shya Peri & Keyan Clark
Pono - Casey Iorangi & Tūhuriwai Kingi
Tautoko - Dalayne Watene-Hakaria & Savanna Small
Manaaki - Maia Uili & Alexander Hemi
Kaunihera Kura
Alexis Ratima, Rayden Afioga, Matariki Erueti, Tiaki Waitai-Terekia, Peyton Morris-Moeke, Te Ahuru-Mōwai Taute-Taylor,
Amelia Hancy, Vado Clark, Mihitaurangi Uerata, Tamihana Kingi, Mahinaarangi Te Hiko, Boston Cooper, Whetu Tai-Rakena
Chairperson - Fresia Koia