Wharekura ki Hawaii
Another highlight of our trip was our visit to the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) in Lā’ie on the North shore of Oahu. This tourist attraction attracts thousands of tourists every year to experience the various cultures of the Pacific.
Our students were fortunate enough to be invited to perform at the Aotearoa
exhibition which drew in a large crowd. Following this, our students were free to go and experience the other cultural exhibitions around the Polynesian Cultural Center. They were then treated to a luau before going to watch the night show which was spectacular. Again, for many of our students, this was a highlight of the trip.
Other places our students visited during our stay was Pearl Harbour, the University of Hawaii (Ka Waiwai ma Mōʻiliʻili) the Bernice Bishop Museum, the Dole Pineapple Plantation, Turtle Bay, the Ala Moana Shopping Center, the Hilton Lagoon, the Waikele Outlet Shopping Center and the Waikiki strip.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that supported this kaupapa, Te Kaokaoroa ki Hawaii 2023. To everyone that supported with our fundraising ventures and efforts, sponsorships, grants and the various kaupapa we held over the year to successfully get our rōpū over to Hawaii, please accept this as a token of our gratitude.
Kei ngā waewae me ngā ringaringa o tā tātou kaupapa, nei rā a matihere e rere atu nei ki a koutou katoa.
Nā mātou,
Ngā ākonga me ngā kaiako o Te Kaokaoroa ki Hawaii 2023