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CNIAS Nationals - Christchurch

Te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere were heavily represented in the Central North Island Area Schools squad with athletes selected for Rugby, Ki-o-rahi and Basketball.

The athletes selected were Ziah Senior, Ky-Mani Matchitt, Sam Tumai-Te Pou, Charm Taylor and

Ania Hemmes.

Our squad travelled to Christchurch during the first week of the school holidays to face New Zealand's top Area School athletes. This is the only tournament of it's kind where the top athletes from Area Schools all around New Zealand converge on on place, battling it out in a range of sporting codes to see which region in New Zealand reigns supreme.

After three days of competition, athletes are then selected to represent their respective islands (North and South) in the battle for superiority over the other. Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Pātetere were fortunate enough to have three athletes selected to represent the North Island, with another selected to represent the South.

After outstanding efforts displayed by all, two of our athletes were rightfully selected for higher honours and named in the New Zealand teams for their respective sports.

These athletes are: Ania Hemmes - Ki o Rahi Ziah Senior - Ki o Rahi & Rugby

To say the haerenga to Christchurch was hugely successful would be an understatement. We are extremely proud of our tauira who represented the Kura with honour and dignity while maintaining and enhancing the mana in which our Kura and their whānau have instilled in them both on and off the field.


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